Course Description

  • 32 Hour Alcohol Class Online
  • Guaranteed Court Acceptance
  • Alcohol & Drug Awareness Course - 32 Hours
  • Smartphone/Tablet Compatible
  • Instant Certificate
  • Instant Proof of Enrollment
  • No Hidden Fees
  • Certified Providers
  • NAADAC Members, NADAI Members and NADCP Members
  • Court Accepted or Moneyback Guarantee
    Questions? Contact Us!
  • Click here for more information about our alcohol courses

    This course is sometimes known by other names. If you've been asked to take any of the following courses, this is the course for you:

    • Alcohol Education Program (AEP)
    • Drinking and Driving Program (DADP)
    • Drug and Alcohol Driving Awareness Program (DADAP)
    • Deferment of Judgment (DEJ)
    • Drug Offender Education Program (DOEP)
    • Drug Offender Class
    • Alcohol Awareness Class
    • Drug Awareness Class
    • Illinois Minimum Risk
    • Illinois Moderate Risk
    • Victim Impact Panel (VIP)
    • Minor In Possession (MIP)
    • Alcohol and Drug Course
    • Alcohol and Drug Class
    • Alcohol and Drug Education Course
    • Alcohol and Drug Education Class
    • Alcohol and Drug Awareness Program
    • DADAP
    • DUI Course
    • DUI Class
    • DWI Course
    • DWI Class

National Alcohol School Online

National Alcohol School is the original online alcohol and drug course provider. Accepted in courts, our counselors have dedicated themselves to staying abreast of the most recent research in substance abuse and addiction.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome

    • Contact Us

    • About The Course

    • Course Outline

  • 2

    Part One: Drug & Alcohol Education

    • About This Section

  • 3

    Chapter One: About Alcohol

    • Alcohol Is A Drug

    • #1 Alcohol Myth

    • Too Much Alcohol

    • Where Does Alcohol Come From?

    • Alcohol Content

    • Alcohol & Your Body

    • Binge Drinking

    • Alcoholism

    • Short Term Effects of Alcohol

    • Long Term Effects of Alcohol

    • Fermentation & Evolution of Alcohol

  • 4

    Chapter Two: Drugs

    • Drugs

    • Drugs & Your Brain

    • Medications

    • Reasons People Take Drugs

    • No Good Reason

    • Drug Classification Information

  • 5

    Chapter Three: Types of Drugs

    • Types of Drugs

    • Synthetic Drugs

    • Ecstasy

    • Ecstasy Facts

    • Ecstasy & Sex

    • Short Term Effects of Ecstasy

    • Long Term Effects of Ecstasy

    • Why Is Ecstasy Dangerous?

    • Cocaine

    • About Cocaine

    • Dangers of Cocaine

    • Cocaine Statistics

    • Dangers of Cocaine

    • Short Term Effects of Cocaine

    • Long Term Effects of Cocaine

    • Crack Cocaine

    • How Crack Cocaine Works

    • Crack Cocaine Statistics

    • Short Term Effects of Cocaine

    • Long Term Effects of Cocaine

    • Crystal Methamphetamine

    • Crystal Meth Ruins Lives

    • Where Does Meth Come From?

    • Meth Facts

    • Short Term Effects of Meth

    • Long Term Effects of Meth

    • Types of Meth Abuse

    • Cycle of Meth Use

    • Marijuana

    • Marijuana

    • Marijuana & Alcohol

    • Marijuana Statistics

    • Short Term Effects of Marijuana

    • Long Term Effects of Marijuana

    • Gateway Drug

    • Heroin

    • Recognizing Heroin

    • Initial Heroin Dangers

    • Short Term Effects of Heroin

    • Long Term Effects of Heroin

    • Inhalants

    • Using Inhalants

    • Short Term Effects of Inhalants

    • Long Term Effects of Inhalants

    • LSD

    • Hallucinogens

    • Physical Effects of LSD

    • Mental Effects of LSD

    • Prescription Drugs

    • Types of Prescription Drugs

  • 6

    Chapter Four: Alcoholism & Addiction

    • Alcoholism & Addiction

    • Signs of Alcoholism

    • Alcohol Abuse to Alcoholism

    • Other Signs of Alcoholism

    • Denial

    • Myths About Alcoholism

    • Signs of Drug Addiction

    • Substance Abuse

    • Trying Drugs & Alcohol

    • Drug Addiction

    • Changes in Substance Use

    • Addiction & Your Brain

    • How Addiction Forms

    • Addiction is Unique

    • Development

    • Biology

    • Environment

    • Resources

  • 7

    Chapter Five: Alcohol & Drug Laws

    • Alcohol & Drug Laws

  • 8

    Part Two: Creating A Self-Help Plan for Change

    • Welcome to Part 2

  • 9

    Chapter Six: The Past

    • Congratulations

    • The Course

    • How Did This Happen?

    • Stops

    • The Past

    • Possible Costs to You

    • Download this Document

    • Online Diary

    • Online Diary Entry

    • Good Job!

    • Rating Your Substance Abuse

    • Your Health

    • Rating Your Substance Use

    • Using The Scale

    • Online Diary Entry

    • Capacity to Handle Life

    • Online Diary Entry

    • Decisions

    • Online Diary Entry

    • Your Self-Esteem

    • Online Diary Entry

    • Online Diary Entry

    • Obligations

    • Good Job!

    • Your Family

    • Online Diary Entry

    • Your Friendships

    • Online Diary Entry

    • Romance

    • Online Diary Entry

    • Mental Health

    • Online Diary Entry

  • 10

    Chapter Seven: Get Ready!

    • Easing Into Change

    • Identifying Challenges

    • Online Diary Entry

    • Setting Goals

    • Goals

    • Short Term Goals

    • Long Term Goals

    • How To Set Goals

    • Example of Goal Setting

    • Components of Goals

    • Specific Goals

    • Measureable Goals

    • Attainable Goals

    • Relevant or Rewarding

    • Timely Goals (Trackable)

    • SMART Goals

    • SMART Goal Plan

    • What Does Goal Setting Do For You?

    • Failing to Set SMART Goals

    • Online Diary Entry

    • 10 Love Attitudes

    • Honesty

    • Humility

    • Objectivity

    • Gratitude

    • Gratitude

    • Caring

    • Responsibility

    • Non-Judgmental

    • Willingness

    • Patience

    • Forgiveness

    • Online Diary Entry

    • Stages of Change

    • 5 Stages of Change

    • Precontemplation

    • Contemplation

    • Preparation

    • Action

    • Maintenance

    • Online Diary Entry

    • How Bad Do You Want It?

    • Online Diary Entry

    • Great Work!

    • Strategies for Change

    • Strategies that Work

    • Commit Yourself

    • Online Diary Entry

    • Use Alternatives

    • Online Diary Entry

    • Lean On Outside Support

    • Online Diary Entry

    • Explore Your Own Mind

    • Online Diary Entry

    • Knowledge is Power

    • Online Diary Entry

    • Ask for Help

    • Online Diary Entry

    • Control Your Surroundings

    • Online Diary Entry

    • Great Job!

    • Online Diary Entry

    • Excellent!

    • Successful Change

  • 11

    Chapter Eight: Thoughts

    • REBT and ABC's

    • About Your Mind

    • Feeling It Out

    • Weighing It Out

    • Am I Being Rational?

    • Be Aware

    • ABC Model of Thinking

    • Example

    • Analyzing George

    • Irrational Belief

    • Mindy

    • Analyzing Mindy

    • Irrational Belief

    • Vince

    • Analyzing Vince

    • Irrational Belief

    • Now It's Your Turn!

    • Online Diary Entry

    • Good Job!

    • Where Did She Go Wrong?

    • Marv

    • Online Diary Entry

    • Great Work!

    • Where Did Marv Go Wrong?

    • Online Diary Entry - Your ABC's

    • Good Job!

    • It's Irrational... Now What?

    • Marv

    • Jessica

    • Jessica's Rational Thought Test

    • Creating A Positive Thought

    • Beliefs & Consequences

    • Positive Consequence

    • Taylor - Irrational Belief

    • ABC

    • Taylor - Rational Belief

    • ABC

    • Rational Vs Irrational Thoughts

    • Online Diary Entry

    • Irrational Beliefs About Substane Use

    • Online Diary Entry

    • Great Job!

  • 12

    Chapter Nine: Insulating Yourself

    • Insulating Yourself

    • Healthy Sense of Self

    • Self-Discipline

    • Self-Discipline Techniques

    • Self-Talk

    • Think Before You Act

    • Look for Win-Win Solutions

    • Stay Ready

    • Ask for Help

    • Online Diary Entry

    • Strong Communication

    • Communication Styles

    • Passive Communication Style

    • Passive Communication Cues

    • Effects of Passive Communicators

    • Aggressive Communication Style

    • Aggressive Communicator Cues

    • Effects of Aggressive Communication

    • Passive Aggressive Communication

    • Passive-Aggressive Communicator Clues

    • Effects of Passive Aggressive Communication

    • Assertive Communication Style

    • Assertive Communicator Clues

    • Effects of Assertive Communication

    • Assertive Communication

    • Communication Styles

    • Online Diary Entry

    • Good Job!

    • Be An Effective Communicator

    • Good Listener

    • Good Talker

    • Online Diary Entry

    • Setting Boundaries

    • Boundaries

    • How To Set Boundaries

    • Online Diary Entry

    • Good Job!

  • 13

    Chapter Ten: Creating Solutions

    • Creating Solutions

    • Monitoring Your Thoughts

    • Creating Alternatives

    • Creating Alternatives

    • Physical Alternatives

    • Mental Alternatives

    • Choosing Alternatives For You

    • Online Diary Entry

    • Seeking Support

    • Resources

    • Online Diary Entry

    • Think Before You Act

    • Control Your Surroundings

    • Online Diary Entry

  • 14

    Chapter 11: Plan for Change

    • Plan for Change

    • Online Diary - Your Plan: Part 1

    • Online Diary -- Your Plan: Part 2

    • Online Diary -- Your Plan: Part 3

    • Online Diary -- Your Plan: Part 4

    • Online Diary -- Your Plan: Part 5

    • Online Diary -- Your Plan: Part 6

    • Online Diary -- Your Plan: Part 7

    • Online Diary - Your Plan: Part 8

    • Good Job!

    • Plan for Change

  • 15

    Chapter Twelve: Maintaining Your Progress

    • Maintaining

    • Relapses

    • Stay Lifted

    • Thank You For Attending!

  • $35.00

    $35.00Victim Impact Panel (VIP)

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